Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Modification - JAGUAR MK 4 ROADSTER

Train Duke  porty skills In the automotive field, Europe is well known as a premium carmanufacturer. One of them has been proved England. Through itsBritish Jaguar introduced the upscale car. Jaguar factory was founded by the British aristocracy in 1925the goal is to meet thetastes of the nobility. Just as Ford, Jaguar's first output have a body that resembles a horse-drawn carriage.

He has long been the position Jaguar as an upmarket car. Varioustypes of cars he production. Among this type Jaguar MK 4Roadster. In 1948 this vehicle is very popular among sports fansbecause the noble character of the sport.

Cabin room highlight the sporty. The chair is made of foam rubber,very soft occupied. Not only that, but also adpat up and down and back and forth so as to provide ease the driver to adjust accordingto your posture. For the exterior, this car looks simple. Tebruatbody sheet metal plate, round headlamps stand out like cat's eye.While the windshield is made flat to form four long perseegi. To complete if the sport, Jaguar MK 4 is equipped with 6-cylinderengine3500 cc, with a speed of 185 km/hour. This car also usestwo models of conventional carburetors.