Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SPECIFICATION BMW 535i | The Spoiling Drivers

From the ranks of the five series that was launched some timeago, variant spoiledone famous person behind the wheel. Because of course, precisely 535i driving pleasure for drivers.

So, please forgive me if there is no entertainment like his friendswho were both launched on 16 June last, the 523i and 528iExecutive. Explain USD drivers precious spoiled, 1.18 M (off the road) this?

Once confronted with the figure of five series, it will show 'fathersedan' convenience ', sit comfortably and quietly pull the smoothvoice.

But all this will disappear when she met with the 535i. How not,peering into the engine room, six-cylinder engine will appear.Outside the twin exhaust snout mean anything different thanordinary machines.

Well, turn on the engine with the keyless start / stop, it will soundfine but it still leaves a pretty cool roar. The position of D or only on the S (sport), then step on the gas! It seems stuck in the back seat,as interesting as the acceleration without end through eighth gear.

In addition, there is no choice of transmission types, Normal, Sportand Sport, the latter of course is the option to make control moreinteresting, because the mount will reduce the function of the DSC,although there would still be leaving the function of this safetydevice.

The BMW 535i has 8-speed transmission, new fittings in the BMW5 series, can be operated with gearshift paddles and steptronik.Almost similar to auto racing. About control, it's still the same as its predecessor, remained stable at various speeds.

At first, the speed up to above 200 km / h reached in just a minutefrom the engine rpm with torque of 400 Nm/1.200 this. In the gascontinues until the needle on the speedometer approaching 260km / hour. No need to distance too far to reach this speed.

Indeed, the driver again spoiled here, looking forward is clearenough on the night of HID lamps are equipped with adaptivelights, this device can make the lights in the direction toward thewheel.

Not to mention, foglamp also illuminate the side of the road whenturning. If this problem in the era of the early 2000s has beenapplied in another car.

To fit this car drove. On the road that is not too good any morespoiled drivers. In addition to the strains of a song with good audioquality, there is also the facility continues to function automatically.Stay activate it if they want to stop for a while, such as whenjammed or hills, no bother.

Stay with the position of D, put your foot brake so the wheel willlock as Handbrake enabled. No need to hold the brake pedal and hold. Want to go back, stay just hit the gas pedal.

pleasure this driver, actually not very contagious to the rear. Rear passengers get more space only relieved than its predecessor, with a completeness not different from previous versions.

Once again, the 535i, there's no entertainment in the form of two TV monitors behind the front headrest as in the 523i and 528i Executive. Although the audio system with 12 speakers 250 Watt. spoiled really the driver.
Test Results
0-100 km / h 7.1 seconds
40-80 km / h 4.2 seconds
0-402 m 16.3 seconds

100-0 km / h 35 m

fuel consumption (liters / km)
inner-city eighth, ninth
Constant 100 km / h 1 / 13
Outside the city of 1 / 11